Fruta Feia (  Portugal)

Our main goal is to reduce waste of produce discarded due to its appearance, about 30% of the production. A market that generates value and fights food waste, as well as the unnecessary resources used in crops production (water, land and energy). We involve at the moment two main stakeholders:
1. Farmers – working directly with 20 in the Oeste region (within a 100 km radius from Lisbon).
2. Consumers – families and small companies.

The Fruta Feia cooperative has a national range, and has already started the pilot project in Anjos District (Lisbon). Other delegations will be replicated in the future in other Portuguese regions. Associated to the consumer cooperative Fruta Feia, several awareness campaigns will be undertaken regarding the food waste problem.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 311972.
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